
Distraction Blocker for iPhone

4 Best iPhone Apps to Block Distracting Apps & Websites in 2023

Byย Alexย ยทย Updated Sep 23, 2023

Best for: Overall | Windows | Mac | Chrome | iPhone | Android

In the digital age, distractions are just a click away. The urge to check social media, browse news, or play online games can override work or study. To combat this, there are several tools to help users stay focused.

In this article, we explore the top four iPhone apps for blocking distractions in 2023.

Best Distraction Blocking Apps on iPhone

  1. One Sec
  2. Apple Screen Time
  3. Freedom
  4. Opal

What Makes a Great Distraction Blocker?

A great distraction blocker is more than just a tool that restricts access to certain websites or apps. It should be a comprehensive solution that encourages discipline, helps build better habits, and promotes productivity. Here are some key features that distinguish an exceptional distraction blocker:

  1. Highly Customizable: The ability to tailor the tool to individual needs is paramount. This includes setting specific time limits for app usage, scheduling 'no-distraction' intervals, and customizing the list of blocked websites or apps.
  2. Cross-Platform Functionality: The tool should be able to synchronize settings across multiple devices. This ensures consistent productivity regardless of the device being used.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: The interface should be intuitive and easy to navigate. This encourages regular use and improves user experience.
  4. Detailed Reports: The provision of detailed usage reports can provide insights into patterns of distraction, enabling users to better manage their time.
  5. Flexible Blocking Options: From blocking entire websites to specific web pages or content types, the tool should offer a range of blocking options.
  6. Motivational Features: Some distraction blockers incorporate motivational features like progress tracking, goal setting, or rewards for achieving set targets. These can significantly enhance their effectiveness.

Let's now delve into our top picks for 2023.

1. One Sec


One Sec is a mobile app that promotes mindful usage of social media and other potentially distracting platforms. This app introduces a brief delay whenever you attempt to open a designated app or website, forcing you to pause and consider whether you really want to spend time there.

Key Features:

  • Automated Second Thought: One sec is triggered every time you attempt to open a designated app or website, prompting you to take a deep breath and decide if you really want to use it.
  • Healthy Alternatives: The app suggests healthier alternatives when you open certain apps, encouraging you to replace bad habits with good ones.
  • Breathing Exercise: One of the unlock mechanisms in One sec is a breathing exercise that forces you to take a deep breath before opening the target app.

Our Take:

One Sec provides an innovative approach to managing digital distractions. By introducing a moment of pause, it allows users to become more mindful of their app usage. The integration of breathing exercises adds a wellness aspect to the app, making it a great choice for those seeking to improve both their focus and overall well-being.

2. Apple Screen Time


Screen Time is a built-in feature in iPhones that provides detailed reports on how much time you spend on different apps, websites, and categories of apps. It also allows you to set daily limits for individual apps and app categories.

Key Features:

  • Real-Time Reports: Screen Time provides comprehensive reports on how you use your device, including time spent per app and per website.
  • App Limits: You can set daily limits for any app or app category. Once you reach the limit, the app is blocked for the rest of the day.
  • Downtime: This feature allows you to schedule a block of time where only phone calls and apps you've chosen to allow are available.

Our Take:

Apple Screen Time is a robust, integrated solution for managing screen time and controlling digital distractions. Its ability to provide detailed usage reports makes it a powerful tool for identifying and managing time-consuming activities. Additionally, its seamless integration with the iOS ecosystem is a major plus for iPhone users.

3. Freedom


Freedom is a multi-platform app that helps you to block distractions on all your devices. Whether you're using a smartphone, tablet, or computer, Freedom ensures that your chosen distractions are blocked everywhere.

Key Features:

  • Multi-Platform Blocking: Freedom can block distractions on all your devices simultaneously, preventing you from switching to another device to access blocked content.
  • Customizable Blocklists: Freedom allows you to create multiple blocklists for different activities or times of day.
  • Scheduling: You can schedule Freedom to automatically block chosen distractions during your most productive hours or whenever you choose to focus.

Our Take:

Freedom stands out for its ability to sync across multiple devices. This multi-platform compatibility ensures a consistent, distraction-free environment regardless of the device you are using. Its customizable blocklists and scheduling features also offer a high degree of flexibility, making it a top choice for managing digital distractions.

4. Opal


Opal is a tool designed to help you save time and focus better by blocking out apps and notifications. It provides real-time feedback and rewards to keep you motivated and focused on your tasks.

Key Features:

  • App and Notifications Blocking: Opal removes distracting apps from your phone and desktop while you're focusing, but allows you to take a break to bring them back temporarily.
  • Real-Time Feedback: The app provides real-time evolution of your focus levels with a unique Focus Score metric.
  • Focus Sessions: Opal allows you to schedule focus sessions during which distracting apps and websites are blocked.

Our Take:

Opal offers a comprehensive solution for managing screen time and enhancing productivity. Its unique Focus Score and real-time feedback features provide valuable insights into your productivity levels, helping you to stay motivated and improve over time. The ability to schedule focus sessions adds another layer of control over your digital environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a distraction blocker?

A distraction blocker is a tool designed to limit or block access to specific apps and websites that are known to distract you from your tasks.

How does a distraction blocker work?

A distraction blocker works by restricting access to certain websites or apps for a specific period of time, or indefinitely. Some blockers allow you to set schedules for when certain sites or apps can be accessed.

Can distraction blockers improve productivity?

Yes, by reducing the number of distractions and interruptions, distraction blockers can help improve focus, thereby enhancing productivity.

Are distraction blockers only for work or study?

No, distraction blockers can be used in various scenarios, not just for work or study. They can also be useful for managing screen time, improving mental wellbeing, and promoting healthier digital habits.

Can I use multiple distraction blockers at the same time?

While it's technically possible to use multiple blockers simultaneously, it may not be necessary. Most distraction blockers offer a comprehensive set of features that should meet most users' needs.


In conclusion, effective management of digital distractions is crucial in today's hyper-connected world. Tools like One Sec, Apple Screen Time, Freedom, and Opal offer a variety of features to help you stay focused and make the most of your time.

By understanding your usage patterns and setting appropriate limits, you can significantly enhance your productivity and overall digital wellbeing.

All Distraction Blocking Apps on iPhone

MacWindowsiPhoneAndroidLinuxChromebook Chrome
One Sec
Apple Screen Time