
Mac Setup

How to Set Up Your Mac for Maximum Productivity in 2023

ByΒ AlexΒ β€’ Updated July 8, 2023

If you're an Apple aficionado, you'll be aware that your Mac is not just a sleek device; it's a productivity powerhouse waiting to be unleashed. With a little fine-tuning, you can optimize your Mac to be faster, more efficient, and tailored to your personal needs.

In this guide, we’ll dive deep into how to set up your Mac for maximum productivity, from system settings to productivity apps and more.

Step 1: Optimize System Settings


Tweaking your system settings is the first step in setting up your Mac for success. Here are the top changes you should consider (color coding: Must Change Settings | Should Change Settings | Could Change Settings):

1.1 Trackpad & Mouse Settings

Increase Tracking Speed - This change ensures that your cursor moves quickly, enabling you to navigate your screen faster. Navigate to System Preferences β†’ Trackpad β†’ Point & Click β†’ Move Tracking Speed slider to Fast.
Increase Mouse Speed - Much like increasing the tracking speed, increasing the mouse speed can help improve navigation and efficiency on your Mac. Navigate to System Preferences β†’ Mouse β†’ Point & Click β†’ Move Mouse Speed slider to Fast.
Activate Tap to Click - This feature allows you to tap the trackpad to click, reducing the need for a full press and potentially easing strain on your fingers. Go to System Preferences β†’ Trackpad β†’ Point & Click β†’ Check "Tap to click.”
Enable Three-Finger Drag - With this enabled, you can move items on your screen by just dragging three fingers across your trackpad. Go to System Preferences β†’ Accessibility β†’ Pointer Control β†’ Trackpad Options β†’ Enable dragging with three fingers.

1.2 Dock & Menu Bar Settings

Customize Dock Apps - Keep only your most frequently used apps in the dock for quick and easy access. Drag applications directly into the Dock, and remove by dragging out of the Dock until you see "Remove.”
Add Volume Control to Menu Bar - This ensures that you can control your Mac's volume directly from the menu bar, saving you from having to dig into your settings. Go to System Preferences β†’ Sound β†’ Check "Show volume in menu bar.”
Hide Dock - If you want a cleaner, distraction-free workspace, you can choose to hide the dock when it's not in use. Go to System Preferences β†’ Dock & Menu Bar β†’ Check "Automatically hide and show the Dock.”
Disable Recent Applications - This setting prevents your recently used applications from clogging up your dock, ensuring only your chosen apps are visible. Go to System Preferences β†’ Dock & Menu Bar β†’ Uncheck "Show recent applications in Dock.”
Resize Dock - Customizing the Dock's size makes it easier to navigate through many pinned apps, optimizing your workspace according to your preference. Click and drag the vertical separator line in the Dock.
Hide Menu Bar - Hiding the Menu Bar provides a cleaner desktop view, enhancing focus by reducing visual clutter. Go to System Preferences β†’ General β†’ Check "Automatically hide and show the menu bar.”

1.3 Notification Settings

Customize Notifications - Tailor the alerts you receive to prevent unnecessary distractions and stay focused on your work. Go to System Preferences β†’ Notifications, then select an app and customize its alert style.
Set Up Focus Mode - When activated, this mode limits interruptions by managing notifications according to your preferences. Go to System Preferences β†’ Notifications β†’ Focus β†’ Customize your Focus mode.

1.4 Finder Settings

Show Path Bar - This shows the path to the current folder at the bottom of your Finder window, making it easier to navigate your files. Navigate to Finder β†’ View β†’ Show Path Bar.
Configure Finder Sidebar - Tailor the Finder sidebar to suit your needs, adding shortcuts to your most-used folders. Go to Finder β†’ Preferences β†’ Sidebar, and choose your preferences.
Search Current Folder - Altering the default Finder search to current folder only makes file searching more specific and manageable. Go to Finder β†’ Preferences β†’ Advanced β†’ Change "When performing a search" to "Search the Current Folder.”
Show Status Bar - The Status Bar displays useful information such as item count in the current folder and available disk space, which can be beneficial depending on your usage. Navigate to Finder β†’ View β†’ Show Status Bar.
Keep Folders on Top - Placing folders at the top of your file listings in Finder enhances organization and simplifies file navigation. Go to Finder β†’ Preferences β†’ Advanced β†’ Check "Keep folders on top in windows when sorting by name.”

1.5 Display Settings

Activate Night Shift - This feature reduces the amount of blue light emitted by your Mac's display, which can make screen time easier on your eyes and potentially improve sleep quality. Go to System Preferences β†’ Displays β†’ Night Shift β†’ Schedule and adjust as per preference.
Activate Dark Mode - Dark mode can reduce eye strain in low-light environments and can give your Mac a fresh, modern look. Navigate to System Preferences β†’ General β†’ Appearance β†’ Select Dark.

1.6 Security Settings

Enable Apple Watch Unlock - If you have an Apple Watch, you can use it to unlock your Mac for quick, easy, and secure access. Go to System Preferences β†’ Security & Privacy β†’ General β†’ Allow your Apple Watch to unlock your Mac.
Add Additional Fingerprints - More fingerprints mean more options for using Touch ID, adding an extra layer of convenience and security. Go to System Preferences β†’ Touch ID β†’ Add fingerprint.

1.7 Desktop Settings

Enable Stacks - Stacks can keep your desktop tidy by automatically organizing your files into related groups. Right click on the Desktop β†’ Use Stacks.
Add Hard Disks to Desktop - This can provide quick access to your hard drives directly from your desktop. Go to Finder β†’ Preferences β†’ General β†’ Check "Hard disks.”

1.8 Miscellaneous

Change Default Browser - If you prefer a web browser other than Safari, you can set it as the default for opening web links. Navigate to System Preferences β†’ General β†’ Default web browser, then select your preferred browser.
Enable Keyboard Navigation - This allows you to navigate dialog boxes and other interface elements using your keyboard, which can be faster than using a mouse or trackpad. Go to System Preferences β†’ Keyboard β†’ Shortcuts β†’ Check "Use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls.”
Enable Hot Corners - With Hot Corners, you can initiate certain actions just by moving your cursor to one of the corners of your screen. Go to System Preferences β†’ Mission Control β†’ Hot Corners, and select an action for each corner.

Step 2: Install System Enhancements

The right software can supercharge your Mac's performance. Consider installing system enhancement tools to improve productivity, manage memory better, and boost your Mac’s speed and performance.

Window Snapping
Must Use
Best: Magnet, Free: Rectangle
Password Manager
Must Use
Best: 1Password, Free: LastPass
Spotlight Replacement
Should Use
Best: Alfred, Free: Raycast
Menu Bar Cleanup
Should Use
Best: Bartender, Free: Vanilla
Text Expansion
Should Use
Clipboard Manager
Should Use
Best: CopyClip 2, Free: Maccy
Menu Bar Calendar
Should Use
Keyboard Navigation
Could Use
Best: Shortcat, Free: Vimium
Window Switcher
Could Use
Best & Free: HyperSwitch
Shortcut Remapping
Could Use
Scroll Direction
Could Use
Best & Free: Scroll Reverser
Keep Awake
Could Use
Best & Free: Amphetamine
File Drop
Could Use
Best: Yoink, Free: Dropover

Step 3: Set Up Productivity Apps

There’s a suite of productivity apps for every possible need. Explore and install apps that align with your work style and tasks.

Best: Fantastical, Free: Apple Calendar
Best: Notion, Free: Apple Notes
Best: Spark, Free: Apple Mail
Task Manager
Best: Todoist, Free: Apple Reminders

Visit our Productivity Apps Section for more recommendations.

Step 4: Install Browser Extensions

A well-chosen browser extension can be a game-changer, helping you to streamline your work and save time. Install extensions that can boost your productivity by managing tabs, blocking distractions, or enhancing your search capability.

Password Manager
Must Use
Ad Blocker
Should Use
Writing Assistant
Should Use
Media Ratings
Could Use
YouTube: Thumbnail Rating Bar, Netflix: Trim
Web Clipper
Could Use
Web Scraper
Could Use

Step 5: Optimize File Management

File management is crucial for productive workflow. Learn to set up your folders and files efficiently by completing the File Management lesson in our Productivity School Masterclass.

Step 6: Leverage Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are your best friend when it comes to saving time on a Mac. Visit our ultimate list of the best keyboard shortcuts to find the ones that can save you the most time. As a bonus tip, install the app CheatSheet to view all available shortcuts by holding down the ⌘ key.

By following these steps, you're on your way to transforming your Mac into a truly efficient and personalized machine that’s set up to maximize productivity. Happy optimizing!